Showing 4 Result(s)

Inquire About Peptic Ulcers

Peptic ulcers are lesions that develop on the stomach or duodenum membrane. Primarily, the duodenum comprises the tiny intestine. An imbalance between gastric acid and the protective mucus that borders the stomach and duodenum results in peptic ulcers. Although gastric acid aids in the digestion of food, an excess of it can cause harm to …

A Natural Solution for Peptic Ulcers: Aloe Vera

A plant with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing characteristics is aloe vera. They are potentially reducing inflammation and soothe the stomach and duodenal walls. Dealing with peptic ulcers may be a very unpleasant and agonizing experience. The lining of the small intestine or stomach can develop these open sores, which can cause symptoms including nausea, vomiting, bloating, …

Optimal Diet for Peptic Ulcers

An optimal diet for peptic ulcers is characterized by low acidity and high digestibility. Avoiding meals and beverages that might provoke your symptoms, such as spicy foods, high-fat foods, acidic foods, coffee, and alcohol, is equally crucial. Beneficial Meal Plan Below are some guidelines for formulating a dietary regimen that is beneficial for those with …